About me

Hello, my name is Brian D. Goodman and for the better part of 2009 I have been on journey, rediscovering film and what it means in a world of digital.

I am an amateur photographer, which is to say that I do not make my living creating images. By day and often by night, I create clouds for IBM. Photography is a delightful headspace providing me personal insight while offering a creative medium to visually articulate a point of view.

I create images that focus on the intimacy of design and presence. My goal is to honor technology and film to express genuine moments. I want my image to connect and resonate with people – they should feel the architecture of my view.

I select topics from my everyday life, views I may pass over, but have an attraction and connection to. My themes can be schizophrenic and distracted, yet I am neither. My work is focused, impassioned and spirited. I select my camera, film and output based on the gravity of the muse.

This blog is about my journey, similar to one that others are either masters or on which they are just embarking. With all the focus on digital capture, there are far fewer resources offering experiences on analog photography. Film will continue as an increasingly underrepresented medium making classic publications from the late 1990’s bibles going forward. Hybrid Photo Journey is offered as a reference for the adventures in analog to digital image making.
